By the way: the #1 perturbing source in your work area is your computer screen ... and not your boss ;-) As it is known, not only the electromagnetic spectrum of a screen exerts a harmful effect on our organism: but mainly its backlight. Flat screens exert a discontinuous spectrum, containing unnatural short-waved fractions of blue.

This blue-light is much more refractive than red light and is focused in our eyes on another level than long-waved particles of light. Lightsources with a large amount of blue fractions burden the hormonal balance as they reduce the release of melatonin which is known to form stresshormons as cortisol and ACTH. So don't be a frog ...

... just stick a GOLD*CHIP on the back of your screen !

You will realize in a short time that it will be easier to accomplish your job ... and that you will be able to better concentrate.


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Made with Love and Compassion